Friday, June 24, 2011

Would America Become An Islamic Country?

Everyone knows about USA or easier we call it america. Either its good or bad sides, America is definitely a famous country. in general, i would say that i used to think that america is not a good country for a muslim like me to stay as what we heard from the media a lot.

however, after 2 years i have spent my time in america, my thought has changed. america is not as bad as i used to think. i mean, regarding religious practicing. eventhough america is not a muslim country like malaysia, the american people, they do respect muslim people; as long as we pay respect towards them as well.

another thing that made me surprised was there are so many masjid are being built in america. no need to mention about how much churches they have coz again america is not a muslim country. most of muslims that are living in america are not american. they came from different part of the world; Yemen, Turki, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Libya, Egypt, etc and last but not least Malaysia.

probably back in the days, there were some blessed muslim brothers who came to america and start the effort on building the masajid, just like what Rasulullah did when he migrated to Baqa' and Madinah. building a masjid was his first priority and used it for spreading dakwah islamiyah. how lucky those people who are chosen to be part of that effort.

below are some pictures that i took nearby the city that i live, Rochester,NY,USA.

                                                    islamic center of Rochester, NY (727 westfall road) 

                                  masjid ar-Rahman @ downtown(300 Bay St), rochester, NY
#this masjid is very special. it used to be a church and it was converted to masjid by yamani community in that city and now it becomes the biggest masjid in Rochester, NY.
                                                                      islamic center of Utica, NY
islamic society of central NY mosque Inc in Syracuse (925 comstock ave, Syracuse,NY)

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