Tuesday, April 5, 2011

it's on us

we are the servants of Almighty Allah.. when we obey noone but Him, we'll be rewarded with Jannah insyaAllah.. otherwise, He will send reminders.. look what happened to Qoum bani Lut.. Allah S.W.T. has created humankind as a best creation  and Allah has given a'qal (mind) to us to think and ponder.. Allah also has created animals, plants, angels and etc to serve the insaan, but we tend to forget.. forget and keep forgetting .. drowned with worldy and desire's temptations. nauzubillah.. look what happened to Japan.. if He wants to destroy us due to our misleadings and bad deeds done on the face of this Earth,  it will take just a blink of an eye.. life in this world is nothing but a test.. Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. once said that everyone of us is a sinner and the best among us is who turns into repentance.. allahummahdina wahdina sajamia.. it's on us.. it's on us who wants to seek for the guidance from The Guide, Allah Azzawajalla..

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